Regensburger Verbundklassifikation

Zur Übersicht RVKO
UB Regensburg

     SA - SP Mathematik
         SI Schriftenreihen
             SI 830 - SI 910 Schriftenreihen in der alphabetischen Ordnung nach Verfassern
                 SI 830 Annals of mathematics studies. Hrsg. v. Princeton University
                 SI 832 Asterisque. Hrsg. v. Société Mathématique de France
                 SI 840 Lecture notes in Biomathematics
                 SI 845 Lecture notes in control and informations sciences
                 SI 850 Lecture notes in mathematics
                 SI 853 Lecture notes in operations research and mathematical systems Vol. 1-15: Lecture notes in operations research and mathematical economics Vol. 16-: Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems
                 SI 855 Lecture notes in statistics (Dekker)
                 SI 856 Lecture notes in statistics (Springer)
                 SI 858 Mathematical Research (Akademie-Verlag)
                 SI 860 Mathematics Lecture Series (Publish or Perish)
                 SI 865 Mathématiques d'Orsay: Publications (Université de Paris, Faculté des Sciences d'Orsay)
                 SI 866 Monografias de matematica (Inst. de Matématica Pura e Apl. Rio de Janeiro)
                 SI 867 Notas de matematica (Inst. de Matematica Pura e Aplicada, Rio de Janeiro)
                 SI 870 Mathematical Notes (Princeton Univ. Press)
                 SI 880 Research Notes in Mathematics (Pitman)
                 SI 890 Lectures on mathematics and physics (Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research)
                 SI 891 Mathematical pamphlets (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
                 SI 910 Universität Augsburg. Mathematisches Institut. Preprints

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